01/ The Natural Evolution
01/The Natural Evolution
We Are Part of Nature
The Earth is one great collaboration and is based on the idea of connection. Not only people communicate; nature is also a complicated web. In Western society, we have separated ourselves from nature and we miss its mystery. Immersing ourself in what life is and where we come from deepens our relationship with nature and ourselves, as we become part of nature again. How we treat our bodies is related to how we treat our surroundings and others. Interacting with outdoor space and the natural landscape improves our mental and physical health. By improving our health and well-being, we renew our sense of purpose, strengthening our resolve and motivation to participate.
The combination of climate change, social inequality and the health crisis have revealed how strongly human lives intertwine with nature, each other and non-humans. Experiences that renew our connection to the environment, to each other and ourselves can help us to become more entwined with the world and deepen these ties. Reflecting on the past can help us move forward, but reflecting on the future is no less important.
Slow Down
The Natural Evolution encourages you to use all of your senses, not just to progress, but to simply be there and sit still in the midst of nature. We experience an unburdening sensation through nature. Try to connect with plants and trees and help to create a future landscape in which people and non-humans can live together. When we start small and make nature, landscape, sustainability and resilience a more meaningful part of our individual lives, this then becomes easier on a larger scale as well. We will get through this pandemic and restore some sense of normality. We will return to our offices, and our kids will go back to school. But hopefully we won’t stop taking walks, digging in the garden, cooking and connecting with our community.
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The Palette
The Natural Evolution palette contains warm neutrals, browns, shades of greens, lilacs and greyish blues that are dual toned. The palette invites us to pay attention, to listen and be attuned to our surroundings. The colours are a play between softer and dark tones; it seems as if the light shines on the colours in a way that softens them. Off-white is still an essential colour, alongside beige and neutral browns. These emphasise the concept of using a material in its raw colour state, thus reducing a product’s carbon footprint and impact. Dyes used for the colours are non-toxic and non-invasive.
Key Colour
The key colour Life is a fresh green that symbolises growth. It embodies the power of nature to renew itself.
The bi-colour combinations mix different natural elements, the colour of clay with green foliage, water and air. These are the colour combinations you see when you zoom out and take birdseye view of Earth.
The brown colour combination is calming and warm. It combines different brown tones and a small touch of the Salt colour to make it light and clear.
The combination with the blues sets of two blue tones with the dark Carbon colour and adds the effect of light and shimmer using the colour Crystal.
The vegetal colour combination combines two light brown tones with blue and green and a hint of the lilac tone Crystal. It is a natural feeling, calming and modern.