02/ Resonance
Material concepts
Material Direction
Material Concepts
The materials of Resonance are colourful and decorative. Their essential strength lies in relating new narratives and fragmenting images. Taking, saving and re-composing images creates vivid, colourful expressions. Historical and cultural references are digitally manipulated and rearranged. Materials are taken out of their traditional context; we see natural materials appearing in fluorescent colours, classics in brights, while gold linings create new references.
The Resonance materials are shiny, decorative and opulent. Materials are playful and vibrant with colour, as well as being powerful and exciting. Colour and materials are used in a striking way, avoiding uniformity. Materials are shiny and luxurious, such as silk, taffeta and lurex, with added sequins; these materials celebrate life.
The materials of Resonance are cut, rearranged and recomposed from collections of images and historical and cultural references in such a way that the materials reflect the passage of time. They are recycled into new materials and objects, typically they may be layered, manipulated, and often play with the tension between two- and three-dimensional elements.
Materials are constructed, woven together and layered. Diverse materials are combined for more novel and bold expression. Layered rhythms symbolise the passage of time. The materials are dynamic, with elements that display movement, such as waves, patterns or layers.