03/ History, Future, Now
Material direction
“Leadership is not about the next election,
it’s about the next generation.”
Simon Sinek
Material Concepts
History, Future, Now does not use new materials. Excess materials are upcycled by breathing new life into them and extending their life cycles. Scrap materials are patchworked, materials are beautifully mended. Patchworks are figurative and an object for storytelling. Materials are overdyed, indigo dyed, stained, coated or oiled.
Denim patchwork with frayed edges and hand-stitching
The materials of History, Future, Now are rough and raw materials, directly from the Earth, untreated such as stone, clay, rough leather. Imagine if the past could observe us, how would time-travellers view our modern times and the way we do things? Continue travelling through history to find inspiration and a new perspective on the world. Materials are sanded, hammered or crushed to achieve an irregular texture. Bleached denim or splattered paints create wild bursts of colour and patterns.
Dark dyed cork on cotton backing
Crushed pattern stretch/ Polyester
History, Future, Now is a story with human creativity and human activities at its heart. Painting, dancing and making music are rich, traditional ways of storytelling that humans have been doing since ancient times. Products become storytellers and express the vibrancy of the world’s oldest living cultures. Materials like wood and textiles are dyed and stained with natural indigo. The blue transforms the material and adds an irregular layer of pigment.
Double woven pattern textile with loose threads
Indigo dyed wood
Hand-made and technologically advanced materials are combined in new ways and rhythms are created in rope, ribbons or strips. Mix natural and synthetic fibres in woven textures, juxtaposing more expensive and cheaper materials. Simple, humble materials do what they should do and are fit for purpose. Materials, such as paper, are useful for a period of time and can be reused afterwards.
Loose woven strips of raw cotton