04/ Neuro Aesthetics
04/Neuro Aesthetics
Digital Environments
Many people’s current state of mind is one of ‘Allostatic overload’. This is the chronic, cumulative effect of stressful situations in daily life experienced by the individual as taxing or exceeding his or her coping skills. How can digital environments and their use of colour help to make people feel better?
The New Normal In Travel
Currently, many of us are staying at home, which allows us to work in accordance with our biorhythm and light-cycles. We are the most productive when we work at the times that we feel at our best. The new normal will be digital travelling, experienced from our living rooms; we can visit places without changing our physical location. The current pandemic is a boost for digital means.
Digital Creativity
Social distancing makes us creative; digital options are being used to create community in an instant, be it digital dinner parties, digital yoga classes, digital schooling, digital meetings, digital showrooms. Living and working remotely actually makes us more connected than ever.
04/Neuro Aesthetics
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The palette
The Neuro Aesthetics colour palette has a lilac and purple glow; the purples add a mysterious and otherworldly touch. They glow and constantly pulsate with movement, never appearing solid. The grey is a basic, almost non-existent colour. It resembles a green screen where everything disappears into the unknown, tricking the brain. The interplay of bright and vivid yellow, orange, blue and green imparts vibrancy to the palette. The soft green adds a natural touch. Nature and the digital world collide, creating new life forms. Light effects influence the colours of Neuro Aesthetics, they change identity when a coloured light shines on them. They are reflective, glow in the dark or become super-absorbing. You can touch them to see what they can do, discover what function they have.

Key colour
The Space Grey colour is a warm grey with a slightly purplish hue. The grey is a neutral ground with an anonymous identity, which blends into a world of vibrant colours as if it is not really there.
Colour ways
The bi-colour colourways are shifts that have constant movement in them. They morph from one colour to the next. The colours are combined to create depth and 3D effects. In woven materials the different coloured yarns make the colour vibrate. In objects the colours add perspective.
When combining the brights together the image seems to shine. The combination has the effect of glowing light. The mint Green digit is light and sets off the Twilight and Artificial sun.
Grey atmosphere
This colourway evolves around the key colour Space grey. The non-colour grey with more coloured tones like Lightyear, Twilight and Dark matter creates a tonal coloured grey atmosphere.
3D Colour
Colour in glitches and waves of pixels. The colours are used random as accidental clashes that have depth.