03/ History, Future, Now
03/ History, Future, Now
Positive & Negative
The Covid-19 crisis reveals both the positive and negative things that we have built into society. The current pandemic makes us aware of our interdependence. It has become clear that global challenges have no national borders; the world is a community with a shared future. As a society we are only as safe as the most vulnerable people, this lesson is leading us to embrace solidarity.
Fair Systems
All problems are also opportunities. There has long been a call for the world to take a different path. This crisis has shown us that everything is interconnected and that we live within fragile structures. We need to take an honest and open approach in identifying the problems existing within a system, mapping their relationship and taking the first steps towards finding solutions. Our world’s systems should be focused on social equality and the conservation of nature. We have seen that governments are capable of taking radical action and that we are able to rapidly change our behaviour. We have the power to create a different, better world. There is hope that this crisis could act as a catalyst, galvanising us to change the world for the better.
Looking Back In Order To Move Forwards
In History, Future, Now, we seek to establish a deeper connection with everything that surrounds us; the story has a grounded feeling. History, Future, Now embraces traditional approaches that play a critical role in protecting our environment and supporting natural resources. It is rooted in a deeper appreciation of the land we live on, and inspired by a growing awareness that the land represents our food, our culture, spirit and identity.
03/History, Future, Now
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The Palette
The colour palette is expressive and rich, creating unique, multicoloured combinations. The colours are inspired by earth tones and colours made from plant-based dyes. Pre-colonial dyeing methods and ancient ways of colouring spark interest in these shades. In ancient times, dyes were made with water, oil, and natural pigments derived from local resources, including exotic plants, insects, and sea life. Some fabric dyes, such as purple made from shells of crushed molluscs, were literally worth their weight in gold.

Key colour
The colour Canyon is a rich, brown tone that brings to mind clay, stone and mud. It functions as a warm base colour and keeps us grounded.
The bi-colour colourways are combinations of dark and intense colours. The combination sits almost evenly next to each other in balance. The combinations are rich and mysterious.
Earth tones
The brown earth tones are warm and are combined with Signal red and Golden for even more warmth. It is a rich combination that is warm like the fire.
Dark tones
This dark colour combination adds colour to the darkness. In the Coffee and Universal blue colour hints of Chocolate, Cobalt and Ocean teal appear. It makes the dark tones come alive. In melanges the small addition of tones create a natural irregular pattern.
The combination reminds of flags, maps and mix match collages. The colours are unifying and global, exploring freedom and democracy.