Colour Flow 2022
Colour and material guide
Colour Flow 2022
Welcome to the first digital edition of Colour Flow, created and released during the Coronavirus outbreak around the world. During the current crisis, we will regularly update and adjust the content within this website. First of all, the questions: “how important are colours during a pandemic? How will the world have changed in 2022, and what does this mean for product development?” are relevant. During the coming months, we work on the ongoing process of comprehending the impact of the current pandemic on our society and our products, how the global community is altering and how values are changing. We are digesting the new circumstances, and have open and constructive dialogues about the future.
The world has rapidly changed as COVID-19 has spread. The crisis is altering the divide between secondary and primary issues. Some things viewed as essential in the recent past have rapidly become secondary issues. There is a new and heightened awareness of the vulnerable state of our health and the economy.
The crisis is an opportunity to create new routines and habits. There is a new sense of urgency to contribute to society and to care for and connect with our loved ones. The importance of our homes, our physical well-being and exercise have become more evident. It is an opportunity to appreciate the things previously taken for granted, such as time. People are realising what really matters to them, what they value, and this will change behaviour and affect design.
It’s not the end of creativity and great design, choosing colours and creating new materials has not become a thing of the past; we just find ourselves in a whole new and different situation. The beginning of the year 2020 already feels like another world. Now we have to take a more honest approach, the crisis is in fact an opportunity to improve our shared future. We have to become more aware of everything we create, it is crucial to analyse in-depth what we design and the materials we use. What effect do they have on the environment and on people’s living conditions? We should aspire to do things right in determining how we shape the future world.
Updates Colour Flow 2022
Download the full palette here
More on the 2022 palette here