Solve real problems
Niche concepts loved by tech enthusiasts could become the next big thing, and curiosity and an open learning mentality could take a business to the next level. When exploring uncharted territory, it is often too early to establish a clear definition of exactly what the ‘new thing’ is and what impact it will have. Keep a clear eye on what you want to develop and how this contributes to creating value.
For future-proofing organisations, it is essential to invest in digital literacy. Invite digital creators and digital natives for learning purposes. Defining the skills needed in the future and assessing what skills an organisation will need over the next two to ten years. Take time to move slowly and build a solid digital foundation.
We are not solving world challenges fast enough. Digital life is real life and can represent a future where the issues of the physical world are left behind. The digital transcends the boundaries of the physical and can be an inspiration for making necessary changes in the physical world.
Move ahead, think without limits, embrace the odd, the weird, the unexpected and be open to new systems of sharing and new ways of organising how we set up a business. Embrace uncharted territory and delve into the power of the digital; things can be done in many different ways with a multitude of results.
Top banner image, Decentraland
Personalization is a constantly innovating and dynamic part of the digital world. It is vital to learn how to address and establish one-to-one, dynamic and interactive dialogue with the customer.
01 Niche concepts
02 Digital literacy
03 Transcend boundaries
04 Uncharted territory
DAO Ownership
SailGP is a world sailing competition with ten teams competing in races worldwide. They are teaming up with Web3 blockchain platform NEAR to form a DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that will own and operate the new franchise.
The team is fan-owned and managed by a governing body elected by DAO members. To purchase tickets and NFTs, app integration and gaming, NEAR plans to leverage the global SailGP technology platform, to develop real IP and web 3.0 applications. Read more here
Voice AI
Kintsugi detects clinical depression and anxiety using machine learning and voice biomarkers. It is using AI to create smarter mental healthcare by streamlining the infrastructure and access to care.
Awarded multiple distinctions for novel AI technology through the National Science Foundation, Kintsugi detects signs of clinical depression and anxiety from short clips of free-form speech, closing mental health care gaps across risk-bearing health systems, saving time and lives. Read more here
Programming skills
Black Girls Code is a non-profit organization that empowers young women of colour in today’s tech marketplace as builders and makers. They inspire girls to harness the power of technology and the opportunities within the industry. They do that by introducing them to computer programming and technology skills.
Radical action is needed to close the opportunities gap for black women and girls. BGC is a global movement to establish equal representation in the technology sector, create stronger economies and more equitable societies. See more here
Virtual fashion
Space Runners is a metaverse fashion brand that, in collaboration with artists and brands, designs digitally wearable NFTs. Space Runners plans to build a fashion metaverse, the SPACEverse platform, with a wear2earn economy.
As ordinary goods and services become dematerialized, status symbols will also transform and manifest in new ways. Fashion is one of the largest means of self-expression in the offline world. In the virtual world, dematerialized fashion will be essential to creating an identity. See more here
Shopping experiences are based on a future sci-fi vision that transports people to a time where reality and science collide. Fully automated retail experiences with vending machines, self check out, robotic arms and cyborg-like mannequins.
Retail moves to metaverse surroundings selling digital assets and immersive experiences through the use of NFTs.
Offer digital self-care through a multi-sensory experience in stores to help people feel better. The senses can be stimulated to optimize mental well-being through a multi-sensory psychedelic trip using VR.
Retail becomes explorative through for instance acoustic landscapes. Sound layers evoke different dreamscapes as moments of stillness in a retail environment.
Digital self-care
Spatial listening
Digital assets
Bottega Veneta pop-up store by Random Studio
Vending machines by ENG in Shanghai
Shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood and White Rabbit
Sensory Reality by Sensiks at Superself by Selfridges
Benetton store by Luciano Benetton and Oliviero Toscani
Ochama by JD