What matters most
The multiple global crises have set people on an inner journey to find the meaning of life. Joy comes only in limited measure from material wealth. Inner peace and happiness and bridging the gap between people’s inner and outer world contribute far more. Understanding the reasons why we are here gives our existence meaning.
The best way to increase joy in life is to balance reason and intuition and engage in creative projects, such as art and music. Life gains meaning when we interact with others and engage in more meaningful activities. A perfect, optimized life does not exist, and the question is even whether such a life is desirable. The true joy in life often comes from its randomness, chaos and unpredictability.
Anti-optimization and humanisation are key to slowing down and enjoying the things we love in life. It is stepping away from the concept of control, to surrendering to the human imagination. Autonomy can be regained by shaping your life based on personal life goals and focusing on the qualities that make people unique. Science, art, literature and music are the foundation for the future.
Banner image, photo by Oladimeji Odunsi
The human imagination is a form of mental imagery and includes everything perceived by the senses. Imagination can be seen as a space where the mind can test scenarios and solutions, a valuable tool for progressing and flourishing. Imagination is used for visualising; this way, the brain can imagine new ideas and get accustomed to new ways of thinking.
Installation by Vincent Leroy
More human skills
People are rethinking where, how and why they work. They are looking for a better work-life balance and want their work to be appreciated and to better reflect their values. The power dynamics within companies and society are changing towards a more human, non-hierarchical, non-competitive structure based on human needs and values.
In an increasingly digitalised economy, the future of work should better reflect the well-being of people and society. The workforce that is needed should be creative, adaptable and empathetic, with the focus on “soft” skills that cannot be automated. Working in the far future will require fewer technical skills and more human skills. Productivity could come from human creativity blending with the speed and processing power of an AI, a hybrid model.
There is a profoundly human need to find connection, meaning and purpose in work. With a more spiritual mindset in the workplace, people can be their true selves. Work will be more about intuitive knowledge and decision making beyond the numbers, statistics or results. Intuitive intelligence is connecting with yourself through questions such as “Is this good for the short term or the long term? Is this good for the environment? Is this good for all?
Many people are still working from home, but the desire to disconnect the home and work environment is growing. The most important feature of a home is a place to feel nurtured, to live, love and feel safe. A home is where life unfolds; it is where relationships take place and develop, a place of feelings, intimacy, tranquillity and retreat.
Soft skills
Back to the office
Wave-themed street signage system/ Studio 5.5
Photo by Ryan Chiu
Photo by Oskar Kohnen
Spotify office by TP Bennett
Being outdoors
Once we take time to step back to reflect on whether life reflects our values, we often find valuable insights and opportunities for change. We start making more time for the people we love, for eating together, cooking, gardening and singing. Decisions are made by energetic thinking and analysing what rewards us with energy and what drains it.
Therapy and life coaching are becoming accepted tools for self-development. The idea that people have to be strong and individualistic is changing towards accepting help with life direction and uncertainty. Individuals seek a relationship with the spiritual world. Through spiritual practices found in cultures around the world individuals seek to reach altered states of consciousness.
Exercise is physical but also contributes to improvement in the mind. Endurance sports, for example, are more of a mental activity than a physical one. The mind must be trained in the same way as the body, but training the mind requires greater concentration. In order to reach a state of calmness and concentration, people must have a clear purpose in mind. This purpose activates motivation to change habits, and then thought patterns will change.
Go through the day based on your energy and find your own rhythm for exercise, meditation and deep work. Plan a day for nothing, just following the flow of the day and let coincidence flow.
Spiritual practices
Workshop by Yeonjeong Flowers
Concepts for society
The mountain of debt and the printing of financial means undermines the value of money in society. Money and economic gain also impacts how we relate to each other and the Earth. Traditional thinking about how we have structured society on the basis of economic prosperity is challenged. To move towards a society that benefits and is sustainable for all, we should consider moving away from the artificial concept of money.
If everything were free, life would improve for many people in the world. The methodology and technology to make this possible are available with renewable energy, advanced technologies in all areas and centralized computer control systems. In a broad systemic context, this could be the next evolution in human civilization beyond capitalism.
Pioneers such as Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Buckminster Fuller and John Lennon already had visions for a future without money. Today’s open-source community on the Internet also believes in sharing knowledge and open exchange.
Psychologically, money is a representation of value, and value is a largely subjective construct. Value now comes from the law of supply and demand. New concepts for society include the idea of exchanging your time for money.
Open exchange
Rapunzel street art by Alice Anderson
The psychology of money by Morgan Housel
Dead Treez by Ebony G. Patterson
Pay Nothing by Kenny Schachter
The Economy Enters the People by Ho Rui An