Future Mindset
Life as it is
Life plan
Life as it is embraces life and accepts life’s challenges, opportunities, and experiences with an open and positive attitude. It is about making the most of what life has to offer and accepting its hardships, shortcomings or limitations. The focus is on finding joy and gratitude in everyday moments, cultivating meaningful relationships and seeking personal growth and development. It is a quiet, introspective mindset with mental wellbeing and personal growth as a priority, the connection with others should be meaningful.
Reducing the unnecessary, setting personal values and living according to these values is important for living a meaningful life. It allows people to stay focused on their goals and priorities, protect their well-being, and build healthy relationships. Without boundaries, people may find themselves distracted or influenced by others’ expectations or agendas, which can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of fulfilment in life. By establishing limits on the amount of time and attention they give to social media, news, or other sources of information, individuals can stay focused on what is most important to them and avoid getting caught up in the distractions and noise that can come with modern living.
Life has different stages, and each lifestage comes with its set of physical, emotional, and psychological changes that require adaptation. The Life as it is mindset recognizes that time and life are precious resources that should be used wisely. A life plan is a tool that helps individuals make the most of the 80,000 hours people on average have. Life as it is mindset recognizes that aging is a natural part of the human experience that requires planning and preparation. By taking a proactive approach to health and ageing, people work toward enjoyment and satisfaction in the later years of life.
Future Mindset
Future Mindset
Life as it is
New relations
Intentional living
The focus is on an intentional and meaningful life, grounded in values and priorities, rather than being swept up by the currents of the wider world. A way to handle life is to take control of you time and thoughts and make decisions as simple as possible.
Habits & obsessions
Small daily habits are important such as reading ten pages a day, sport every day of the week, early rise and catch the first sunlight, reading books and learning by following your interest through micro-obsessions.
Town to town by Niall McDiarmid
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters
Dear Mr Brody by Greenwich Entertainment
Photo by Jin Hwang
Rabbit Hole by Valeria Duca
Consumerism loses its appeal, and people become less interested in pursuing material possessions. The definition of success has changed. People used to identify with the work that we do but work does not equal life and work is not who we are.
Many people decide to reduce working hours to spend time with families and communities. They turn to hobbies and other leisure activities to balance the demands of their professional lives, new experiences and creative pursuits can become work.
The Life as It Is mindset invests time to achieve financial literacy and build a secure future for themselves and their loved ones. They are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others to help them improve their financial situation. They want to find solutions to make life more simple solutions and controllable, often these ideas turn into businesses ideas.
As the world of work becomes increasingly complex and demanding, individuals who are able to set clear boundaries and protect their well-being are likely to be more fulfilled in their careers.
People who have a good understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses may be more likely to choose careers that are aligned with their personal values and interests, and that allow them to focus on exploring their skills and talents.
Limits and freedom
Question rules & authority
Independence and independent thinking is important for this group. Things organized in the workplace that are unfair, outdated or ineffective are questioned and changed.
A niche
Focusing on a niche or a solution to a problem many people experience can transcend geographical boundaries and reach a global audience. Focus and personality strengthens your uniqueness.
Free-standing wall bars by Heimholz
Craftsmanship by Eric Bowman
El Refugio rural co-working space in Spain
Substack’s founders, Hamish MacKenzie and Chris Best
Photo by Jjjjound
Healthy routines
To find balance and meaning in their lives, people will set up regular routines that incorporate movement, nature, and other forms of physical activity and incorporate it into their daily schedule. Sports is seen differently; it is something you do every day as investment to health.
Being well and healthy is the most important thing you can do for yourself and a foundation for life. The process of improvement is important, becoming better over time.
Hobbies and other leisure activities will become more important to maintain a healthy sense of well-being. Running, yoga, or other forms of exercise are a way of reducing stress and improving overall health and well-being.
They may also seek out opportunities to connect with nature, such as hiking, camping, or gardening, as a way of fostering a sense of connection to the natural world and promoting mental and emotional well-being.
Disconnecting from the internet can help people to slow down and reconnect with their thoughts and emotions, doing nothing and allowing boredom can be a relief. Focus on breathing, the close surrounding and connect to nature can make people feel better.
Healthy routines
Foundation for life
Come together
Sports bring people together and can create joy. Whether it is a game of soccer, a leisure walk or run, sports can help us connect with others and lead happier, healthier lives.
Every day
The focus is on an active lifestyle, with a consistent sports regime that includes getting up early for daily sports activities. Time is set aside each day for physical activity, which is scheduled just like planning a business meeting or appointment.
Forest Bathing by Forest Holidays
Bodyism, Notting Hill UK
Rare waffle-soled running shoe, Moon shoe by Nike
Photo by Jen Haydn
Photo by Company of Animals
Inflation, the changing economy, the political climate, climate change are all factors that are uncertain and this will remain in the coming decade. As a reaction, people recognize the importance of focusing on what they can control in their lives, such as how they spend their time and money.
Due to the complexity of modern life, there is a growing desire for simplicity and a return to a more grounded, life-centred economy.
People are searching for greater security and stability, pushing back against a capitalist system that they view as antithetical to their values. Many desire to simplify their lives and prioritize the connection with private, smaller circles.
Also online people seek out communities that align with their values and interests. These circles will likely be characterized by micro-obsessions and learning about specific topics, with members bonding over shared passions and niche interests.
Meaningful connections and relationships are an essential aspect of our lives. We are social creatures and thrive on connections with others. With busy work schedules and the constant distraction of technology, it is easy to become isolated and disconnected from others. It’s important to make time for socializing and meeting new people, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Making time for hobbies and activities that bring joy can also be a great way to meet like-minded people and form new connections.
New relations
Beyond consumerism
A new relationship with our belongings is emerging that involves recognizing the value of experiences and rejecting overconsumption. By choosing to live with less, people enjoy the freedom that comes with owning only what they need. It is a shift to more conscious, intentional living, where hedonism and anti-capitalism can coexist in harmony.
Making connections
Slowing down and living a more balanced and fulfilling life that includes socializing and meeting new people is important for our overall well-being. Connections with others can increase happiness.
Us vs. Them research by by Thom Bettridge and Richard Turley
Clothes by Marcin Maciejowski
Conversation by March Avery
Photo by Phil Hewitt