Early colour 2025
Life as it is
The colours of Life as it is refer to non-consumerism and reference time, forever and now. They are stronger than pastel colours and intend to add some sweetness and light to everyday life. The colours reference traditional things, time, craftmanship, memories, nature, nostalgia, flowers, how the light can embrace a space, the things that influence our quality of life. The colours are timeless colours that refer to memories, they seem to travel through time as they are subtle references to different time era’s; 1950s blue, 1990s pink, brown from the 1970s and a Gen z yellow. Pay attention to the moment, the now and make the simple things more beautiful by the use of materials and colours.
Pantone 18-1415 TCX
RGB 110 76 75
Marron is a reddish brown tone. It is warm, nostalgic and classy. It is the colour of what is there, to be used again and again.
Left, Ber Ber Jin vintage store Tokyo, Forget About Hymn by Chloe Wise, Golden Goose sneakers & repair Milan, Twins by Robert Marsé
Right, Dreams Have No Titles, French Pavillion at the Venice Biennale
Pantone 13-2803 TCX
RGB 225 198 204
Focus is a light pink tone that makes everything softer. It is the colour of morning light that casts a glow.
Left, Painting by Sara Berman, Photo by unknown, Ttareungyi Seoul Bike, Photo by unknown
Right, Wrot by Holly Hendry
Pantone 14-4110 TCX
RGB 183 192 214
The ticking colour is a dusty light blue. It is a peaceful, calming colour, associated with trustworthiness and reliability.
Left, Arrange Whatever Pieces Come Your Way by Sheelagh Boyce and Annabelle Harty, Still Life Painting by Joe Morzuch, Photo by Lukasz Pukowiec, Shirt by Sillage
Right, Painting by Zoe Zenghelis
Pantone 13-0725 TCX
RGB 218 196 131
Mimosa is the colour of sunlight that breaks through the clouds of the soft flowers of spring. It adds positivity and energy to everyday life.
Left, The Order of Things by Alex Clark, Photo by Takahito Sasaki, Photo by Tom Wake, Hyphea Ramzi cover
Right, Photo by Janis Wolf
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