
A dynamic between tradition and innovation

The materials convey the contrast between the past and the future.


The speed of change has caused a big contrast between the rural and the fast expanding cities. The materials link the past to the future, the digital to the physical and craft to technology.



Traditional materials are used in a new way.


Traditional materials and crafts are used in a new way. The scale is much bigger and the materials are used more solitary. Ancient crafts give identity and soul to new designs. Creating contrast with old and new materials links designs to the past and the future.



The materials play with light and rhythm to create movement and simulate speed.


Materials are lightweight and transparent or thin and fluid to create the illusion of movement and speed. Light plays a role, it frames the designs and projects colours and effects on the shapes.





13-4303 TCX

CMYK 21 11 21 0

HEX d2d7cd


The grey colour finds its inspiration in architecture and life in megacities. The grey is a new neutral, meant to use on larger surfaces. The colour represents layers of light, a feeling of endlessness and the technological advance of China. Using layers of grey can have a softening effect.



18-4528 TCX

CMYK 82 28 36 11

HEX 008291


The blue colour is an unusual blue, between blue and green. The colour is intense and mysterious; it is traditional and modern at the same time. It amplifies the idea of fast and slow, holding on to tradition while embracing the speed of new developments.



13-3820 TCX

CMYK 11 18 10 0

HEX e6d7dc


The lilac colour is a pastel colour that adds a sense of mystery and an elegant touch to products. Although the colour brings some poetry and depth, it doesn't get too soft; it still keeps a fresh appeal.



17-1654 TCX

CMYK 0 87 58 0

HEX f03c50


The red colour represents the speed of development of China. It is a high contrast colour with a strong reflection on the surrounding environment, in the same way as a red neon light. The red demands attention in a sophisticated way.


Download the palette here