Health & Wellbeing
Vision 2023 September update
Health and Wellbeing
Changing consumer attitudes
In the Health and Wellbeing update of Vision 2023, OvN explores the current mindsets and opportunities for products and strategies in this area. Over the last 18 months, people’s preferences and values have shifted as they have experienced their vulnerability and realised that they are mortal beings. The renewed appreciation for physical, emotional and mental health is a long term development that can bring good to people and the planet.
Wellbeing is a broad concept that has an environmental and social component to it. Our current systems and behaviours are in their base toxic for the Earth and its people. Awareness of climate change, air quality, water quality, poisonous surroundings and social justice motivates people to change. Spending and consuming is no longer satisfying, and for finding the answer to what makes us happy. We need to understand and connect with our deepest self to change our outlook on the world and, therefore, our decisions.
The concept of physical and mental fitness is becoming a pro-active and preventive approach; mental health is acknowledged and managed in the same way as physical health. Proper prevention means people and communities take ownership over their health and wellbeing; places for mental gyms, therapy and group support will become the standard. Today’s wellness-driven consumer has more information available, has more principles, and seeks more influence and impact on their lifestyle than before.
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- There are many aspects to health and wellbeing. To become one of the solutions of tomorrow, brands will have to adjust their value proposition and put health and wellbeing first.
- The way people approach their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing offers opportunities for all brands, not only those directly involved in food, health and fitness.
- ”How does it make me feel ?” is the guideline for the new care economy. Brands can improve wellness by creating a culture of care, offering stress-free experiences that put people in a positive frame of mind.
- Focus on a holistic offering that supports mental, social, physical, financial and spiritual wellbeing.
Gen Z wellbeing
Gen Z is impacting the future of health and wellbeing with a holistic view of health, emphasizing physical fitness, healthy eating, and mental wellbeing.
Connected to nature
To stay healthy, people need to be close to nature; the natural world offers a richness, variety, and sensory dimension that humanity needs.
Inclusive wellbeing
Health and wellbeing should be inclusive; taking care of the people and communities left behind is a priority.
Personalised health
Through self-tracking by wearable devices, people track their sleep, exercise, nutrition and stress levels with the goal to live longer and maintain a healthy weight.

1/GEN Z Wellbeing
1/Gen Z wellbeing
Exceptional conditions
The pandemic has demanded a lot from young people. During the pandemic, Gen Z has been at home and missed the social contacts that are so crucial for shaping their lens on the world. Although they were connected via their phones, many of Gen Z have spent the pandemic alone.
The future
The uncertainty of jobs in the future, the incredible amount of debt and a changing climate will be part of their future. Yet Gen Z is a creative generation, and the pandemic has made them flexible and resilient. They clearly show that they don’t want to be a lost generation; they want to study, get physical education with other young people and have fun together.
Holistic health
Gen Z is impacting the future of health and wellbeing with a holistic view of health, physical fitness, healthy eating, and mental wellbeing. Gen Z has many challenges in their lives, and dealing with stress and mental health is a priority. The exceptional conditions in which Gen Z grows up makes it necessary to provide young people with the emotional support they need to move forward in a post-pandemic world.
Stress reduction
The daily pressure of the future combined with the desire to live a relaxed and comfortable life has led to increasing mental health issues for Gen Zers. They have quickly become the ‘concerned generation’. As a result, there is increased attention for stress reduction. They destress through self-expression, creativity is inherent in everything they do, including how they communicate.
Time off-line
Balance is essential, and the conscious decision to spend time offline and choose relaxing activities contributes to Gen Z’s well-being. Intentionally turn off the phone to pursue a hobby or just not processing any information at all. More than half (54%) have used an app to aid relaxation and 36% have used an app to limit their screen time.
Images left to right: The Wave app music-driven guided meditation, journaling photo by unknown, unexpected office by Geoffrey Pascal, quote found at Them., @bibijanangelica on Tiktok #fashionrevolution, plant workshops by Claire Ratinon.
Gender health
Gen Z is more likely than any other generation to self-identify as being LGBTQ+. Gender norms, roles and relations, and gender inequality affect people’s health all around the world. Society has become more accepting than before, but there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality. Build on the strengths of LGBTQ+ community to tell their stories, enforce policy changes, and improve health outcomes.
Changing norms
A better future for LGBTQ+ generations requires changing norms towards traditional gender roles. Addressing the role of restrictive gender norms and gender inequalities within and outside health systems can enable universal health coverage.
Images left to right: TomboyX inclusive underwear, Youthforia clean beauty brand, Youthforia campaign, protest picture by @KAYY_MANN.
Spiritual healing
Spiritual explorers
Gen Z is a curious generation with an interest in the spiritual and religious. They are engaged with the world around them and make their own guidelines when it comes to spirituality. Fashioning their spirituality entails alternative spiritual practices such as crystals, tarot and horoscope.
Manifesting is popular among Gen Z, the art of bringing tangible change into your life through belief and optimism. It is visualizing and vocalizing your desires to the Universe based on the law of attraction. By saying what you want into existence together with positive and pure intentions, you will get what you attract.
Images left to right: Metaverse Meditation NFT by Natural Warp, Healing artist Seeing With Lee, Rose quartz via @theeancients on Tiktok, Moon phases by unknown,Tarot reading by Olena Ruban, How To Manifest by Anatolí Wellness.
Digital wellbeing
87% of Generation Z are playing video games on their phones, and by doing so, they emerge in dynamic surroundings. Game design elements in healthcare can encourage them to talk about health issues, increase self-esteem, and learn about healthy lifestyles. The World Health Organization launched #PlayApartTogether to stress the importance of social relationships, connections and community through gaming.
Health in the metaverse
Gen Z spends much of their time online and invests in digital goods such as in-game character skins. The Metaverse is emerging, and this will also influence healthcare. Digital identities will be talking to the doctor’s avatar and share information with people who have the same condition; educating yourself in an immersive way will be part of the Health Metaverse.
Images left to right: Picture by @mariadobrovskaya, Half-Life: Alyx VR game by Valve, Artwork for Byredo Prismic Palette by Jon Emmony, VR networking at SXSW, Surreal Instagram filter by Mitsuko.

2/Connect to nature
2/Connect to nature
The natural world
To stay healthy, people need to be close to nature; the natural world offers a richness, variety, and sensory dimension that humanity needs. Many people live in urban environments, it is becoming increasingly clear that these environments need rewilding as a more natural environment promotes people’s health and mental wellbeing.
Outdoor activities
During the pandemic, people spend more time on outdoor hobbies like gardening, walking and running. Gardening is an essential part of self-care, and going for a walk has healing powers. Likewise, taking care of houseplants is a ceremony of self-love and self-care. These activities add to health and wellbeing and will remain influential after the pandemic.
Humans are in a relationship with the ecosystem, and just like plants, humans exhale and inhale. Improving breathing is essential for health, wellness and longevity. Breathing exercises can reduce stress, make people feel calmer and have more energy. The light and dark cycle of the sun has a powerful effect on our circadian clock, our sleep, and alertness.
Healthy surroundings
Green cities
Global warming is already affecting people’s health; the average global citizen loses 2.2 years of life with today’s levels of air pollution. Air pollution in cities is a severe environmental problem. Turn buildings into plant-filled utopias and let nature fully infiltrate the built structures. This way cities become healthy places that promote walking and cycling, the green area’s and trees can provide shade and reduce CO2 levels.
Small simple living
The current housing crisis is increasing the demand for affordable houses. Small, self-sufficient and autarkic homes (25m2) are becoming more popular. Designers continue to experiment with ways to live small in a natural environment. These are hyperlocal environments that are focused on building relationships with people and their environment.
Images left to right: Jian Mu Tower, Shenzhen China, SATVA organic athleisure, Natural Capital by Eni and Carlo Ratti Associati, Superstrata bike, Tiktok ecohacks by unknown, The Shield purifier from Air Origins, Studio RHE rooftop farm London.
Natural resilience
Building the immune system
We build resilience by taking care of and challenging ourselves by running, fasting, silent retreats, and taking cold baths and hot sauna’s. Protection from the sun, rain and wind during sports is essential. Exposure to infrared light can improve mood, wellbeing, sleep and the immune system. Simple routine changes have become tangible solutions to maintain a sense of control over health and wellbeing.
Cellular level
Cellular health is the determination of how well our cells are functioning overall. When we age, our cells become more fragile. The healing properties of crystal, massages, essential oil, colour therapy and Reiki are at the cellular level. A wholesome plant based diet and using nutritional supplements can also boost health at the cellular level.
Images left to right: Polar trail running guide, SaunaSpace Luminati Near Infrared Sauna, ice bathing photo by EB Comb, wooden sauna by unknown, wild swimming photo by unknown, sun gazing photo by unknown.
Positive health
Healthy, high-quality food and food supplements become increasingly essential to support better physical and mental health. Labelling on food brings clarity on the ingredients to know what you eat. There is interest in the relationship between health and nutrition, knowing what is toxic, what causes inflammation, and what boosts immunity.
Plant-based diets have become popular, and this will only increase. Sustainable diets focus on keeping the impact of global warming below 2 degrees. Animal-free has been linked to many health benefits and can help cut a person’s carbon footprint by 50%. Avoid foods transported by air that are very carbon intense. Glass containers are used for packaging with for zero impact.
Images left to right: Vegan Sushi by Mimic Seafood, Refillable glass containers by LOLI Beauty, Microalgae tonic by Fulfoods, Burrito in a jar by Tyme Foods, Spirulina noodles by unknown, All vegan Michelin star restaurant Eleven Madison Park, NY, Cleansing stick by Alleyoop.
Wellness Travel
Rewilding the human body
Retreats that focus on rewilding the human body using a combination of nature, adventure, exercise, play, rest, nutrition and mindfulness have become popular. Ecotherapy cultivates mindfulness related to exploring and appreciating the natural world. Sustainability is an essential issue for travel and hotels.
Sports travel
People actively seek ways to improve their health and enhance their well-being. Wellness travel is the idea of travelling to improve well-being with multi-day excursions with good food, mental health and fitness at the core. Post pandemic, smaller-scale experiences, and curated travel becomes more popular. Activities and sports are reasons to choose locations, like walking trails, rock climbing or surfing lessons.
Images left to right: Mud bath in Lake Köyceğiz, Turkey, photo by unknown, Amtrak from Cleveland to Chicago, photo by unknown, Barranca Accommodation, Australia, Climbo active holidays, El Mangroove Papagayo, Costa Rica.

3/Inclusive wellbeing
3/Inclusive wellbeing
Social responsibility
Physical health and mental wellbeing have been at the forefront of thoughts and conversations even before the pandemic. Health outcomes are unequal in the world; less affluent households tend to exercise less, which leads to a wide physical activity gap. Health and wellbeing should be inclusive; taking care of the people and communities left behind is a priority.
Belonging is fundamentally human
Inclusion, belonging and having the safety to be yourself contributes to health and well-being. Social inclusion is about making all groups of people feel included and valued within their society or community. Where individuals or groups of individuals are excluded, or feel on the margins of society there is often a direct impact on their health. Communities can emphasize diversity, belonging and the importance of self-love. Local togetherness stimulates social care, social connection, interaction and community ties.
Illuminate the people and stories that are often left out of media and visual culture. Make visible the injustices that occur worldwide and challenge conventional ways of thinking, also in the health and wellness industry. People that feel forgotten in the world want to be represented and celebrated.
Every body
Body positive
Self-acceptance is a form of self-care. Women are taught to be likeable, but they should feel comfortable in their skin and be able to freely express themselves. Body positivity is associated with improved self-care behaviours and a lower risk of depression.
Diversity is needed for society to flourish; uniqueness is necessary for the world to be what it is. LHBTQI+, working parents, women and people with disabilities benefit from more inclusive environments.
Images left to right: All bodies are bikini bodies by Chromat, ARQ underwear, Femita Ayanbeku in Chromat, Gloryscent clean beauty for women of colour, Every body by Olivia Laing, Chromat Future-Forward Swim + Bodywear.
Creating safe places
The community can help people with their life questions, share concerns, reflect on life and what it means to be human. For instance, by creating safe places for women of colour, they can express their ideas and share concerns. During the pandemic, group support and care online have accelerated. Sports clubs bond people together while being active.
Your whole self
By normalizing caring for our mental health as we do for our physical health, people can show up as their whole selves and bring the fullness of who we are. When we embrace authenticity and vulnerability, this also leaves space for others to question and doubt. Beauty comes from self-confidence and living in alignment with one’s true nature.
Images left to right: Somewhere Good, a social platform that centres people of colour, Social and wellness club Ethel’s Club, Black Girls Breathing Community, Sad Girls Club community to diminish stigma around mental health, modest sportswear by Nike, photo by unknown.
The wonder of humanity is our eccentricity. People should have the confidence to try different things and show the world who they are. So dress up and express a childlike curiosity and a desire to play with style and expression.
Glam up
By normalizing caring for our mental health as we do for our physical health, people can show up as their whole selves and bring the fullness of who we are. When we embrace authenticity and vulnerability, this also leaves space for others to question and doubt. Beauty comes from self-confidence and living in alignment with one’s true nature.
Images left to right: Khoudia Diop photographed by Joey Rosado, Black Girl In Om, Ivy Park, photo by unknown, beauty brand Jecca Blac, Glamourina Afrocentric Activewear.
Re-defining beauty
Decolonise health & beauty
Decolonising health and beauty means disconnecting it from the suppressive norms of global, homogenous beauty standards and seeing the uniqueness in every person. The relationship with beauty and health should be deconstructed, re-framed, and re-defined. Bias in healthcare is a big issue since research is often based on the average (white) body.
Make change
People more often support the entrepreneurs and products they want to see grow in society. Every investment you make can sustain and grow a small speciality business. Support Black and female owners and engage with the community in a way that touches differently. Make an impact in the health and beauty industry and use your voice to make a change.
Images left to right: Cover for A Seat at the Table by Solange Knowles, products for melanin-rich skin by 4,5,6, Skin, image via Afropunk, Small batch, natural Afro hair & skincare by Anita Grant, image at Warren Steven Scott.

4/Personalised health
4/Personalised health
Wearable devices
Through self-tracking by wearable devices, people track their sleep, exercise, nutrition and stress levels with the goal to live longer, maintain a healthy weight. A new era of micro tracking helps users understand when they are at their best both physically and mentally and when they should focus on recovery.
Data and AI
AI will help society in health and medical domains such as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Data will be critical; advances in tracking and data analysis will lead to personalised health and nutrition recommendations on demand. There is an opportunity to leverage these technologies to do good when developed responsibly.
Personalized wellness represents a lasting shift from the traditional top-down, one-size-fits-all nature of Western medicine into hyper-tailored solutions made possible by AI and technology. Better use of data is going to enable hyper-personalisation. 48% of the global population rely on a combination of prevention and treatment to maintain health. At-home health is providing unique insights into our health. Nearly half of adults are seeking ways to improve their health, highlighting the opportunity for personalized health information to inform positive changes.
Soft technology
Calming technology
Technology can change a user’s mental and emotional state; with the use of colourful moving images and music, users dive deeper into new forms of consciousness. Brainwaves are synchronized to a specific rhythm to retrain the nervous system and reach a deeper state of relaxation. This altered state of consciousness helps relieve anxiety, improve focus and promote better sleep habits.
Neuro cosmetics
The interplay between the brain and physical health is the focus of neuro cosmetics. It is rooted in the idea that the nervous system, the brain and skin health are interconnected. Smelling certain scents and feeling specific emotions can positively affect someone’s mood and skin condition. A number of herbs may improve brain health such as sage, turmeric, ginseng and ashwagandha.
Images left to right: Connected aromatherapy device AROMEO Sense, Olly portable light to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, Plant-based Neurocosmetics by Swiss Botanicals, versatile face patches mask concept encouraging better blood circulation paired with a vitamin-enriched serum by Morrama, at-home skin maintenance masseur concept by Morrama.
Skincare and beauty brands are turning to AI, machine learning, and data analysis to bring beauty-conscious consumers unprecedented personalization and deep knowledge. The next generation of skincare leverages technology, data and biology to offer hyper-personalized treatments.
Digital healthcare
Meeting doctors virtually will remain after the pandemic and virtual meetings with personal trainers, nutritionists, mental health coaches, and sleep specialists to optimise your lifestyle. Testing can now be done at home; combining tracking with testing can provide hyper-personal recommendations at speed.
Images left to right: Routinely AI skincare app AI-enabled, hyper-customised, personalised skincare advice and product formulation, VROR EYE DR virtual eyesight healthcare solution, smart mirror to manage the skincare daily routine, LUMINI Home by lululab, Coa online therapy, Shiseido-optune skincare, IoT personalized skincare system, DNABand food shopping based on your DNA.
Precision wellness
Sleep tracking
Sleep trackers can provide valuable insight into sleep patterns for a clearer picture of how much quality sleep you’re getting and to optimize your sleep experience. Sleep-related technologies are not only useful for monitoring but may also be used to aid intervention to empower people to improve their sleep.
The global fitness industry is experiencing a digital revolution. Trackers will be smaller and more embedded. Textiles will be able to show the physiological data in real-time to gain an accurate picture of the individuals’ status. Full-body motion capturing systems will allow athletes to understand the minute nuances of a movement and break down the biomechanics.
Images left to right: Eight Sleep Pod smart bed system, Sleep and fertility tracker Ava Bracelet, At-Home Sleep Analysis Tool Tatch, Xsens’s MVN Analyze, full-body motion capturing system, Hydration tracker Gx Sweat Patch, Smart fabric with advanced sensor technology by Nextiles.
Life extension
Life extension is the concept of extending the human lifespan through treatments that slow or reverse the ageing process. Future breakthroughs in tissue rejuvenation, stem cells, regenerative medicine, molecular repair, gene therapy, pharmaceuticals and organ replacement will lead to longer lifespans and rejuvenation to a healthy, youthful condition. Current treatments to slow or reverse ageing focus on nutrition, calorie restriction, exercise, antioxidant supplements, vitamin A and K supplements, and hormone therapies.
As we age, our stem cells and immune systems become less efficient in repairing tissues or self-renewing. Awareness of the immunology of age-related conditions or diseases leads to diets and lifestyle changes focused on reducing inflammation such as eating salads, advancing sleeping well, fasting and skipping alcohol and coffee. Also, GInger, turmeric and cannabis help to manage inflammation. Future advances in nanomedicine could give rise to life extension by repairing many degenerative processes thought to be responsible for ageing.
Images left to right: Juvenescence C6 Ketone Di-ester drink, Inflammation reducing Turmeric, Yoga granny Bette Calman, Sportwear for all ages by Athleta, 16:8 intermittent fasting method.
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