Shifts 2023
Trend shifts and evolution
Vision 2023 has four drivers of change; below, you can see how the worldwide cultural, technological, economic and social shifts have evolved from year to year.
1/Nature First
The urge of climate change is not a new concern. Smart World for 2021 researched the importance of data and science for the future and was about growing new materials. The Laws of Nature for 2022 was about humans' roles, our attitude towards consuming and researched how to live a more conscious lifestyle. The first signs of adapting to maybe a new situation on a warmer planet were there. Nature First for 2023 is a shift to nature's priorities, giving elements in nature such as rivers a legal status to think in larger timeframes and future generations. Because of the pandemic, we became more aware of nature; walks in nature have more or less saved us during the lockdowns. It is up to us to not make a mistake to say that the sustainability goals are set and taken care of. Due to the pandemic and investments made in the economy, we are in a delayed 2030 scenario. To meet the plans for 2030, we urgently need to change; action needs to speed up.
Effects climate change
The shifts we have seen between 2023 and the years before are partly because of the pandemic. The effects on air quality have been noticeable but unfortunately bounced back to the trajectory it was on before the pandemic.
As we see here on the left the path to the 1,5 and 2 °C is much steeper than the effect of the pandemic. For most people, it is clear that climate change will impact our world. We notice the changes in temperature and see the effects of the changing weather world-wide.
Change lifestyle
The pandemic has had a big effect on our way of life. People have become more aware of their surroundings, how they spend their time and of the things they buy. This more conscious way of living will continue as the world opens up. We will have to keep adjusting our way of living as the effects become more serious, this will have an impact on how and where we live and on the food chain.
The effects of technology will continue to grow. We have seen a digital acceleration that will keep its pace in the coming years, if not accelerate even more. Data and biotechnology will be important to fight the effects of climate change. The success of the vaccine will speed up the developments in biotechnology as a whole. The drive for greening the economy will put pressure on rare earths and global powers.
The knowledge and understanding people have about the climate has changed during the pandemic. We have understood how much we depend on nature for our health and well-being, this may result in a more humble attitude and greater respect for the natural. As more data becomes available our knowledge will grow. A common language is necessary to reach collective goals.
The Commons for 2021 was about a shared global view; we are all connected as humans and share a future. The Commons also identified how climate change and social justice are related. Future World History for 2022 was about the young generation that demands a change in almost all areas of society; we need to acknowledge history before moving ahead and how culture shapes the world. During the pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement has sped up the visibility of inequality and the demand for change. Empowerment, identified for 2023, shines a light on marginalised people around the globe. Everyone has their own story; it is essential to listen and understand other people. Love is the antidote for hate, and building community can strengthen people.
The pandemic has caused many countries to look more inward and focus on national recovery and care. It has become clear how dependent on each other we are, our global supply chains are connected. Politics has become more nationalistic and protective, this will continue in the coming years.
The pandemic has deepened the divide in society. The effects have been disproportionally big for vulnerable groups of society, creating an even bigger divide. People of colour and women have been protesting for equal opportunities. Companies have understood that they have a role in society and are working on diversity and equal pay yet change is slow. We have experienced the need for community and a network that we can rely on. Social connections have become more important, local or digital located elsewhere.
Influence of young people
Millennials and Gen Z will have a bigger voice in society. Their values are different from those of the generations before them. They want to be individuals and dislike being put in boxes. They cherish their freedom and grew up on the Internet, this has shaped the way they communicate, think about work and how they shop o.a.
Technology is a way to connect, to find like-minded people, to share ideas. The idea of the platform has changed to the community, a place to gather with people world-wide.
Influence climate change
Climate change and inequality are linked, not only in poor, developing countries but also in industrialized, wealthy ones. Climate justice focuses on the roots causes of climate change and calls for a transformation to a sustainable, community-led economy. Together with technology, climate change will have the biggest impact in the coming years.
3/Universal Healing
Calm Down for 2021 identified the influence of the news and the opinions of many that daily reach us; this can feel overwhelming. Taking time to reflect on life and the attention to our mental health is growing. The Speed of Change for 2022 researched the fast developments in China. When you look at China, you see the world's future, although there are still many challenges. The Speed of Change also identified feelings of nostalgia for the future because the developments go so fast. Universal Healing for 2023 shows the need for recovery after the global pandemic. Many have experienced loss in their lives and were isolated from others for an extended period. Attention for our emotions and mental wellbeing grows. The pandemic has sped up developments in virtual health and technology will increasingly play a role in physical connection.
Health & wellbeing is an important focus. During the pandemic, we have been more aware of the power of nature to heal and comfort us. Daily rituals have become more important. Yoga and meditation have helped us stay grounded. The more turbulent times are, the more people will want to connect to a more spiritual way of living.
Focus on the self
Selfcare was already a big topic before the pandemic but since then it has risen In importance. For mental well-being, it is important to connect with other people and build relationships, something that has been hard to do during the pandemic. When you take care of yourself, you’re also taking care of your family, friends and community. There is talk of a mental health tsunami, a long-term aftereffect of the loss, grief and hurt caused by the pandemic.
Mobile health, health information technology, wearable devices, telehealth and personalized medicine have all accelerated during the pandemic and now that people are used to it, we see that this will evolve further in the future at a faster pace. AI spirituality, an app to track your emotions, digital care and physical and mental health are merging. Health tech is an important category and together with spirituality will develop the fastest in the coming years.
Sense of control
Long considered a disorder, nostalgia is now recognised as a powerful tool in the battle against anxiety and depression. Nostalgia is a kind of inbuilt neurological defence mechanism, which can be marshalled to protect us against negative thoughts and unstable, difficult times. In difficult situations, it appears that nostalgia grounds you. It gives you a base on which to evaluate the present as a temporary state, and in doing so it builds resilience and a sense of stability.
4/Decentralised World
Fantastical Futures of 2021 was about how people and technology are interwoven and develop together and how to get a grip of domains we cannot see, such as the increasing importance of data and AI, quantum computing. Encoding reality for 2022 was looking at how the machine looks at us, humans, how we spend more time in synthetic reality and how we play with identity. Decentralised World for 2023 imagines the next phase of the digital domain as many developments such as Blockchain and a faster connection come together. We move to the web 3.0 era that will become a truly immersive experience. The digital economy takes off in a new way, creators now earn their income, and digital assets get monetised, the influence of gaming is growing. For web 3.0 to truly take off, we must become our data owners and trust the technology.
AI solutions are estimated to generate over 126 billion dollars in revenue by 2025 and more than 75% of venture capital firms' investment decisions will be informed using artificial intelligence. China has been on the forefront of developments in AI and will continue its fast-paced developments in the coming years. The smart home has been slow to develop, parts are smart. but not complete connected networks. This will grow in the coming years but privacy remains a big concern for people.
Human role
The human role in repetitive tasks has been gradually replaced by automation but in the coming years also jobs that involve decision making will be replaced by technology. The human role will diminish and automated systems will take over. n 2025, analytical thinking, creativity and flexibility are among the top skills needed; with data and artificial intelligence, content creation and cloud computing the top emerging professions.
We are all broadcasters, creators and producers. The tools of the internet are accessible for all and creativity is rising. The web is a place to explore and experiment, free of rules and limits. as AR and VR will become more immersive the freedom to create and the ability to create worlds will grow.
We mapped our sense of control as declining, many of the systems will operate without us. Yet privacy and ownership will become more important in the coming years. People will want to own their own data and own and monetize. their own creations on the web.
Now that we have experienced a global disruption, we are more inclined to envision other events totally changing the way we live. We have identified another virus outbreak, climate change, rare earths disruption, digital disruption, hacks, government control of the Internet, devaluation of money and (Social) Media propaganda as possible future disruptions.
In the graph on the right, you see the greatest concerns for the world identified by the World Economic Forum. The top 5 are; prolonged global recession, high unemployment, another disease outbreak, weakening major economies and industries that fail to recover. To think about disruptions will be as important as to think about chances and opportunities for the future.