Art and Object Rotterdam 2021
Art Rotterdam and Object Rotterdam showed how the current leading creatives visualise experiencing the pandemic.
LMVH Innovation Award 2021
Lab-grown cotton, bridging physical and digital worlds and live stream shopping as winners of the LMVH innovation awards 2021
Synthetic Messenger
Synthetic Messenger is a botnet that artificially inflates the value of climate news by clicking ads that run with each article.
Salt Water Agriculture
Start-up company, Red Sea Farms, grows plants using 95% saltwater cooling systems in Saudi Arabia
China’s Mars Rover & the Fascination of Space Exploration
Experience China’s space exploration on Earth.
How Will We Live Together?
Responding to the theme "How will we live together?" national pavilions examine the local and global factors that influence future living.
Can the Human Brain Support an Extra Body Part?
Body augmentation is a growing field aimed at extending our physical abilities.
E-waste & Recyclable Electronics
According to the United Nation’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020, global e-waste has come to be the fastest growing waste stream in the world.
The World's First Crypto Real-estate Sale
The blockchain-based digital Mars house is an immersive experience, an actual house that is also a work of art in which you can live in VR.
Dimming the Sun
Dimming the sun now seems an abstract idea but could become a reality to fight climate change.
The NeuroRights Initiative
Considering the consequences of neurotechnology related to free will, our thoughts and autonomy.
Tackling Inequality Through Algorithms
Rediet Abebe uses theoretical computer science tools to help design algorithms and artificial intelligence systems that address real-world problems.